Peggi Hudspith Peggi Hudspith


Hallelujah! for the gentle Holy Spirit. Speaking to us to guide, protect, counsel or provide fellowship, the Holy Spirit can be trusted to understand our every need. Nurse Friend, come away and listen to His voice.

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Peggi Hudspith Peggi Hudspith


November 18

God is so good

Do you have one of those feel good books? You know? The kind you can read and find pleasure with the theme, or, players of the stories? You pick up this book for a casual read as you are on break, just to get a little pep in your step to finish your shift. You may have found some of the content of these type books so fun that you have made a little sticky with a blurb of their content, and, placed this in a conspicuous place to remind you of the feel good moment you once had as you read the story. Or, you may have created a meme you share with your favorite nurse friend. You realize a desire for the feel good moment to linger as long as possible in order to maintain that moment of elation igniting your energy to persevere through difficult tasks. And, as nurses, this type book we like to peruse quite often! And, have been known to share these books with our favorite nurse buddy! Nurse friend, I would like to introduce you to more than just a feel good book, or a blurb, but, something so spectacular you will want to paint your wall with the message… God’s goodness!

If you have ever watched a shepherd work his flock, you see that he carefully navigates the entire flock. He is careful to watch each and every sheep and to ensure they are moving in the correct direction, and, is always aware of each sheep’s location. The shepherd anticipates the dangers which might be met along the way to the destination, and, he carefully guides them away from these treacherous possibilities. The shepherd is always careful to watch for the wandering one, and to take extra effort to work this one back into the fold, lest it becomes distant from the flock. He understands the inclination of the sheep to be careless, having a tendency to go wandering, staying available to redirect as the need arises. The shepherd is committed to a nurturing relationship with his sheep, and as lambs, gives extra time spent capturing their loyalty as they are young. When I think of God’s goodness in Psalm 23 it helps me with a practical picture of who God is.

Back to Psalm 23! As you take the time to read this passage, won’t you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to our heart just how good God is to us, his sheep? The goodness of God provides for all our needs, including calming our hearts in times of trouble, providing the right type of daily bread through His Word, as we ask and yield to His direction, he guides us in all things. In moments of trouble, sorrow, or illness, we don’t have to fear when we remember His provision of the Holy Spirit’s presence. His Word becomes nourishment in a dry and parched land for our very soul. Even if others try to harm us, His protection is constant! And, if we run from Him, His goodness and mercy actually continues to follows us. Once we stop running, and remember Him, we realize he has been ever present. He’s also prepared a place for us in eternity where we will dwell together, forever.

His goodness cannot be overestimated. His goodness cannot be overrated. God’s goodness cannot be overstated. God is just that good. His goodness is measureless, boundless, timeless, and pure. He knows exactly what we need, always. His provision for us is perfect and his thoughtfulness of us is eternal. Nurse friend, God is good. God is so good!

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