Today, as I sit here, listening to Christmas music and as I write, God wants to say happy birthday to a special nurse. Maybe it’s you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

You have the most special birthday of all! You share your birthday with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!! Special you!!! Embrace Him! Love Him! Oh, let us come and adore Him! The Almighty God of the ages has chosen to give the world for all of eternity, the greatest gift of all… Jesus, God’s Son. Hallelujah! And, glory in the highest! Peace on the earth!! Good will to all men, on whom His favor rests!!

Can you imagine an angel visiting your unwed mother with the message from God that He knows something she does not… she will soon be pregnant! Oh, my!! Can you picture your mother visiting her cousin and being astonished that her cousin knows she pregnant, before she had even told anyone of this news?! Then, after she returns to town, from visiting her cousin, having to share the news with your soon-to-be father of what has transpired? And, his trepidation as they continue to abstain from sexual relations until after married? Who could the father be, he asks her?

To make the situation even more exciting, you would learn that not only did an angel visit your mother to tell her of your soon arrival, but, the same angel also visited your soon to be father with the news to confirm she had not cheated on him? Shocker! Now, as a result of an incredible miracle, they both know you are on the way!! But, what will the grandparents have to say about all of this? Just about the time your unwed parents decide to share with your grandparents what they have experienced the ruler of the day requires all citizens to return to their home towns. With these instructions, your grandparents decide maybe it would be best your mother go with your father and pay tribute in his hometown. After all, they are betrothed for marriage.

As they journey to the destination of your father’s hometown, your mother goes into labor!! Now, the two soon to be parents must make some hard choices… where in the world will you be born. As many travelers have used all the available hotel rooms, and because your birth is imminent, your parents are left to an animal stall for your birth! Holy cow – literally!!

YOU ARE BORN!!!!! But, the story of miracles has just begun!!! The story takes another incredibly miraculous turn as shepherds in the nearby fields are visited with a massive host of angels telling them of your birth and the place they can find you! As the shepherds rush to meet you, the angels continue celebrating you! God has placed the brightest star in the heavens right over the place you are born! The brightest star in the heavens has lead, from the east, kings with riches they lay at the feet of your parents! For all of eternity, you will be celebrated as the miraculous birth conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin mother- the Savior of ALL MEN!!

Jesus birth is just that miraculous, precious, and powerful and the story continues to be just as powerful as it continues to be told to this day! We believe the greatest birthday in the history of mankind is celebrated on December 25 and we praise God for Jesus and you!

So, happy birthday, precious nurse! Enjoy your special day as you share it with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!


