Patience with Each Other

Patience With Each Other

Nurse Friend, how are you? How is your attitude toward your team? Is there any angst in your heart as you walk into the unit seeing who will be your comrade for the shift? Is there any nurse with whom you have a lingering frustration? Does the impatience with your colleague cause you to have a slight sting in your voice when you address them? Maybe your heart is already burdened for what you anticipate will be a frustrating day of patient care. 

As a Believer, you know God commands you to “walk in patience and bear with others in love,” according to Ephesians 4:2. But in the midst of patient care while relying on others to help tow the line, how do you deal with your emotions of frustration, leading to impatience? 

As a Believer, you have the ability to offer all your thoughts, feelings, impressions, emotions and expectations to God, knowing He will bear these burdens.  Galatians 5:17 encourages us, “do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” And, from personal experience, I can tell you, the yoke of impatience can lead to bitterness and hatred. Don’t fall into that trap!  Instead, pray for your colleagues. Ask God to take the impatience from you! As God lifts this burden from you, allowing you to see others in a different light. Perhaps as your attitude shifts from that of being inpatient and frustrated toward those who might not do things as you see fit, others will see you as an encourager to the entire team!


Today’s Prompts

Make a list of your team members.

Now indicate which team member you may feel a sting toward as you think of them.

Imagine your heart free of that sting and write a plan of action to be an encourager of your team.


Today’s Scripture

Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, do not let yourselves be burdened again by a oke of slavery.”



Today’s declaration

 “According to Galatians 1:5, it is for freedom that Christ has set me free.  Therefore, I will stand firm and will not let myself be burdened by a yoke of slavery.”




