Looking down at my abdomen I was fascinated that I could actually SEE my pulse!  You know what I was looking at … my abdominal aortic circulation! Fascinating!!! … you know… much like you and I feel our patient’s pulse, or, listen to their bruit, or their precious beating heart! Does the lub-dub ever get old to hear. Oh, how I love the sound of the beating human heart! It’s so fascinating with it’s mystery and LIFE!!!

Then, quickly, my mind went to wondering “what if I could put my finger on God’s pulse?” “What if I could hear God’s pulse?” “What if I could know exactly the rhythm with its beautiful lub-dub sounds?

Then, I realized “HIS WORD shows me His pulse!” For the next few hours I was sent into a grand experience of searching through the very words of God and receiving many reminders of His character.

God loves me.

God created me.

God sent His son, Jesus to save me.

God is with me wherever I go and in whatever I do.

God’s hand can be traced from the beginning of my life, to now.

 I sincerely love God for showing me how much he chooses to be involved in my life.

Nurse Friend, like me, you, too, can have an awareness of the greatness of our God and you, too, can receive a renewed mind knowing He is all about the details of your life.

God knows exactly the second you were conceived.  God knows the second you were born.  He predestined the family you were born into.  God knows exactly where he placed you, geographically, and the people around you are there because of His omniscience.  God knows what you would experience in life; including the events in and out of your control.  He knows your choices and when you walked away from His perfect will. 

You see, the Almighty God is not a figurine you can place on the hearth and walk away.  He is not an idol you can build with human hands and present objects placed as offerings.  God is not a far away thought that you must conjure up his presence with wailings and cutting yourself. 

God is loving, present, kind, patient, forgiving and so much more!  He wants you to know, today, He is waiting for you to turn to Him, when you are ready.  Once you are ready and invite God into your life, you will be forever changed.  As a Believer in His son, Jesus, your sins are forever forgiven.  Your eternity is secure in His atonement and you are now a living testament of His grace.  Now, you are in a place to share with others your testimony of his love shown to you and tell others of his great desire for them to know Him, too. 

Whatever is your situation, today, I pray you will take some time and thank God for His moving in your life.  I pray you will find encouragement knowing there is someone who loves you very much. 

If you were to put your finger on God’s pulse, you would find an overwhelming sense of his great love for you.   




Patience with Each Other
