Fill Your Life with the Goodness of God

You come home exhausted, crash on the couch, and before you know it; you’ve binge-watched with a blank stare at the TV for the past 4 hours. “OH, never mind!” you say, as you remind yourself you have the next three days off! “I’ve been working the last four days, and, I deserve the goodness of this treat!” But do you deserve it? Is binge-watching the latest reality show really good and beneficial? Or is it really beneficial to reward yourself with the dozen glazed donut holes as you finish off your three-twelve night shifts at the local donut shop drive-thru?

What other ways have you sought to reward your hard work or misapplied your time of rest, only to later realize it really wasn’t truly good or beneficial? Anyway you’ve spent it, maybe you now feel the sting of regret as you realize you have misapplied your opportunity for some true, genuine renewal?

Once, while attending a conference, a speaker brought the message of all things permissible, but not all things beneficial. She explained that while we have been given permission to enjoy the goodness of all the delicacies offered on the massive spread of amazing food, it is not necessarily beneficial for us to load up our plates and go back for seconds and thirds! She graciously confirmed we had the right to anything our appetite desired, but challenged us to consider if it’s really good and beneficial for us to indulge in all that our eyes want!

I do know there is one thing I can absolutely have as much of as I want and have no regrets – the presence of God! The wonderful, peaceful, joyful, absolute rest in His presence as he fills me with his wonderful Spirit! After a time of sitting and soaking up His goodness, I am never the same! The challenge here might be finding a way to realize He is always just a whisper away, a thought away, or, a song away! We don’t have to worry about getting too much. And He is willing to give us all we ask.

Nurse Friend, I pray you will find a way to get more of God and His goodness!

Today’s Prompts

As you leave your time of meditating on God’s presence and His Word, how do you remind yourself of these beautiful moments in His presence?

Write yourself a formal invitation for the next time you plan to sit in God’s presence.

Today’s Scripture

Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Today’s Declaration

“According to Psalm 16:11 during a quiet time of meditation on God and His Word, I will be filled with joy and will remain close to God.”




