Fired? Not forsaken!

Fired? Not forsaken!

Well, you’ve been fired. In shock, disbelief, and complete loss of a job, you find yourself turning in your badge, and being given separation/termination instructions. What went wrong? Who misunderstood you? Who did you misunderstand? You have so many questions, with insufficient answers!

God longs to be your provider of peace – as you tell your family what has just happened.

God longs to be your provider of joy - as you simply cry out to Him in desperation.

God longs to be your provider of love – as you learn to forgive those who are a part of what just transpired.

God longs to be your provider of patience – as you wait to see what He has, next!

God longs to be your provider of kindness – when you want to condemn yourself.

God longs to be your provider of goodness – as you see His blessings return.

God longs to be your provider of faithfulness – when you revisit what just happened, and realize He never left you.

God longs to be your provider of gentleness – as He allows you to grieve.

God longs to be your provider of self-control – as you refrain from retaliation.

You see, my friend. God has appointed and anointed you to be a nurse. Pick yourself up. Find a loving friend who will pray for you. Remember, I praying, for you. Then, you get right back out there, and keep doing what God has called you to do!!!




Dear Nurse