Dear Nurse

Dear Nurse, I love you.  

Read my Word. 

Do you see in Leviticus the numerous laws I put in place for you? 

These laws were put in place to protect you.  

Laws act as a safety net so you will know what is and what is not acceptable.  

By staying within the framework of these laws you operate in safety, exempt from consequence of breaking the law.  

Being mortal means you will fail.  But take heart! Don’t be discouraged in your failures. My love for you exceeds any failure you experience.  

As you abide in me and my Word abides in you, ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.  Including forgiveness of any failure!

You will need to come to me, often! 

My thoughts are not your thoughts.  My ways are not your ways.  My thoughts of you are not like your thoughts toward your self. My way of orchestrating your life events are not how you would plan them.  

Because of my unending immeasurable, constant, ever enduring love for you - the plans I have for you are not what you would expect.  

As you spend time with me you will learn to relax in my law because the blessings you will reap through obedience.  You can’t do this on your own.  But, I will never leave you.  

So, stay close to me - always be listening for my voice.  

I am your God and I love you.  


Fired? Not forsaken!
