
Relax. Trust my timing.  Don't get ahead of me. Read my Word.

Remember the story of Job? Job sought me. While in the midst of crushing blows, Job sought me.

Though, like Job, I allow you to suffer, you will not be overtaken.   

The best way to walk beside me is to always remember my absolute love for you.

I know you better than you know yourself. And, I am for you - never against you.

As my chosen and dearly loved - you are the apple of my eye - I have numbered the hairs on your head. 

I see the very details of your life. I know where I am taking you and my plans for you are best, tailored to your specific needs. 

I formed you in your mother's womb - I called you mine!

I am a jealous God and will not strive for your loyalty.  

In my perfect timing, you will see my faithfulness.  You can trust me! 

Just as in Psalm 46:2 David sang to me that though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, I remain God.  

While you may be walking through what seems like impossible circumstances to overcome, am I not still your God? 

Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots, place your trust in ME...creator of all.  

So, while the events of your life are not moving and changing in the rhythm you would want, I know what is best for you.

I love you.




Fired? Not forsaken!