Looking down at the list of ALL the acronyms to memorize seemed quite daunting, but, the closer I looked, the more I realized I know many of these, already. Acronyms like ALS was the acronym for the most devastating of all medical diagnoses I had ever known. While the person is able to use their eyes to look into a computer to tell their wishes to their Loved Ones, not a muscle in their body will remain unaffected by this deteriorating disease.  ESRD is an acronym which stands for the body’s inability to process the waste products produced by the kidneys.  So catastrophic is the disease, as it progresses, it will eventually require a trip to the dialysis clinic three times per week in order to clear the body of deadly waste. ICH would become known to me with my experience in the ICU of patients who have had a sudden catastrophic stroke.  Also resulting in an ICH is the patient who falls and strikes their head on an object causing a brain bleed which, if not quickly remedied, can cause the patients’ death.  NSCLC is an acronym for the dreaded presence of non-small cell lung cancer.  These patients suffer catastrophic loss of homeostasis of the body.  They must choose either to call for hospice to provide support until their passing, or, call the oncologist and request aggressive curative treatment. For our ICU nurses who maintain patients on ventilators the acronym VC means life to their patients!  Measuring the lungs ability to breathe without support is a sure sign if the patient can wean from the vent.  Without this vital capacity our lungs are not able to hold the breath of life!  

An acronym with eternal consequence is ABC, which stands for ADMIT BELIEVE CONFESS. If you would like to be saved today, pray with me:

“God, according to Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23, I ADMIT I have sinned, and without you, I will pay the wage for my sin, which is death, but, you have a free gift of eternal life.”

“God, According to your Word in Romans 5:8 and Romans 6:23, even while I was a sinner, I BELIEVE you have given your son, Jesus, who died for the forgiveness of my sins.”

“God, with my mouth, I now CONFESS Jesus as my Savior, and, believe in my heart that you have raised him from the dead.”

Romans 10:9 states as a result of doing the ABC’s, it’s just that easy, my Nurse Friend…you are SAVED!!!  Hallelujah!!! You have just received precious new eternal life!! You have escaped an eternal life of isolation, torture, and fear, to one of a heavenly home of peace, life, and living with others who worship the risen Savior, Jesus Christ! 

Now, I invite you to pick up your phone, or, better yet, walk over to a NEARBY person and tell them what has happened.  You can also write me using the CONTACT BUTTON, and allow me to REJOICE WITH YOU for making the most important decision of your life!  PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!